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4U by Tia . Brand and packaging identity consulting. 2023. Sophia Marinelli As a retained studio for Amyris Biotech we Initially. Our client partner and parent company Amyris inc. prides. Shampoo's: Detox really a deep clean. (Light conditioner), Moisture. We started with 4 quick and dynamically different directions. Ultimately large piece of feedback that surfaced was —. We quickly created several more options based on this. After determining that we no longer needed to show. The full product line. 94&More . Brand Identity and Visual System. 2022. Gersh Leroi Mutumbo Luke Tadashi Br—stol Stu—o has always been an experimenting lifestyle brand. Initial Brief. Even with the selection of referential brands and graphic. Podcast Brief. 1. Court as the canvas. 2. Heavy word count. First pass at realizing typography combinations and wordmark explore. The defining sketches. Finalized 94andMore logotype and shorthand identity, designed to imply. A simple framework with wide expression. Social and app example framework. Still Standing by Hannah Price . Historic Photobook Layout 2022. Hannah Price Hannah Price reached out via instagram regarding a photography. We spoke over email for about 1 week regarding. Perfect Bound. Finished Size 7"x9". 86 pages. Digital Print. We chose a flood of royal purple for each. Parts of the forward, by the late Gordon Parks. Hannah's documentation centers around specific landmarks; Paul Robeson's house. During which she captured individuals who happened to be. Conclusion. anOnlyChild 2022-'23 Collateral . Branding Implementation, Layout, and Product Design Consultation 2022. Antonia Klimza Marta Sharapova Maxwell Osborne anOnlyChild as a client requires an ongoing visual asset. Overall looking at tangible ways to output, and looking. Trim sees constant evolutions as new product styles create. The current trim system uses a mixture of directional. We adopt and utilize un-pretentious methods for visual direction. Helping to maintain a home grown feeling to the. We decided to give "story" or context to our. More ongoing references to help us ideate around more. Sundays SS24 acts as a 'one of one' open. YouTube Music — Black History Month — Digital Brand Campaign . 2022. Kendall Henderson Our YouTube Music BHM direction starts from a constant. Proof of concept through a 1 pager of sketches. With the core visuals in place, we built the. The main playlist covers featured prominent artist who've lead. Supporting playlist covers were genre focused, highlighting the sounds. Generation Conscious . Brand Identity, Brand Systems and Website Design 2022. Marta Sharapova Kendall Henderson Joe Wright We began with our overall synopsis of sustainable cleaning. The findings led us to align on pillars. Our overarching goal. Be new, for the future present. Our 3 directions were distinctly focused on the look. We identified the success' of the first round of. We determined that a balance between the stamp of. The liquid puddle logo mixed with a unique florescent. Refinements and firming of our final brand marks. Initial titling furthers the notion of liquid visuals as. Overview of how the baseline brand identity system comes. The final website was designed to live between a. Generation Conscious' patent laundry sheet dispensing wall mounted vending. Immortale . Jewellery Brand Creative Direction / Identity 2022. Thee Tham Our decided expressions of the brand, come from the. For this group of assets our art direction was. Using a combination of printed photographs of subjects; Amira. The output combines traditional concepts of feminine beauty with. The finalized logotype boldly contrasts the brands characteristics while. At Large Magazine . Rebrand and initial design direction for 2017-2018 volumes 2019. Kendall Henderson Nick Weltyk Our initial key conceptual goals. Determined from assessing. Proposed directions that aimed at finding various ways to. Direction 1 based on straight forward and subtle familiarity. Direction 2 built from the monotonous but clear display. Direction 3 looks for ways to birth moments of. Synthesized client feedback and typographic studies. A Refined Variation of Direction 1 & 2. Brand direction executed across further issues 10—13. anOnlyChild — Branding & 2020 Website . Identity, Website and Ecommerce Design and Direction 2021. Kendall Henderson Sophia Marinelli anOnlyChild approached us with the quick task of developing. We were given this peek into to anOnlyChild's brand. We started the ecomm phase of the website with. The center piece, fixed navigation, gave us the foundation. We were then asked to spend a week on. The launch version of featured a 2-up shop. Follow up pieces to showcase the collections full looks. Sergio Tacchini . Heritage sportswear rebrand and brand development 2020. Kendall Henderson Jackson Cantor We started by over analyzing Sergio Tacchini's archives as. Discovering the anatomy of the (1980's) logomark and the. (Some of) a series of iterative logomarks that tested. Internal conclusion of the first 3 direction proposals. (Full. The selected Logomark and logotype followed rigorous series of. Color Palette based archive adverts and garments. A standard. Initial overall brand items were developed in tandem with. Campaign ‘Test’ visuals and layout. Capsule graphics Proving the roll out of the new. Thank You For Coming — NYC Supper Club. . Design Direction and Visual Concept 2021. Kendall Henderson Kristy Chen Childhood memories of large family gatherings in a small. During the early stages of New York re-opening Kristy. Whilst developing the first dinner we looked at the. We also took note of the communal style of. Various branded elements: Plate Container Shapes, Wordmarks, and TYFC. The title Thank You For Coming is the begging. Since each dinner was themed we could ideate evolving. We Want You To Care — Colette Pomerleau . Art Object / Book 2021. Sophia Marinelli Colette Pomerleau Initial casual project brief, description & conversation. Colette Pomerleau, gathered some 200+ photos to be printed. The Forward. Written by Kendall Henderson. Introduction pages are left loose to reveal only. 10" x 11" 233 pgs, individually hand bound. Undefeated . Website and e-commerce redesign 2020. Kendall Henderson Dinesh Dave Undefeated semi initial correspondence, containing initial brief document and. A set of key UI/UX findings considered to be. Selected Direction, 03: Tetris Blocks—Beginning to ideate on a. R1 approved home page design. Full Presentation of our layout represented across primary and. UNDEFEATED.COM Feb 2020. Arranged Reflections . A Short (Open Sourced) Compilation Film 2020. Kendall Henderson Thoughts regarding the subject of slavery's effects are internal. Visual, Conceptual and Mental References. Initial written statement. Full arranged sequence of clips arranged and spliced throughout. Each. "A self portrait is a representation of an artist. Film Credits and Sources Clips 1, 5, 20 — Clips. 2020 Product Edition . Various apparel and merchandise items designed within the studio 2020. Kendall Henderson Thee Tham "What a Romantic". "A Statement from Mr Cynical". "Marking of Local Services". "Closing 2017". “Isn’t California always burning?”. “KyotoMan”. "Sticky Portals". “Another teeshirt ©®TM”. "Tokyo Transit Pins". Red Pedestal – A Subtle Image Critique . 2021. Adraint Khadafhi Bereal The Essay. Image 1. Image 2. Image 3. Styling:@caribenacowgirl Model:@aheem_sosa Set Design:@dstroiker Photo Asst:@_juntan. Beats By Dre . Power Beats Pro. Product Launch Campaign 2020. Kendall Henderson Michael Malowanczyk We started by dissecting the Powerbeats Pro New Colors. Round 1 — Direction 1 — Deals with Aura based. Round 1 — Direction 2 — Aims to show uniqueness. Round 1 — Direction 3 — A simple portraiture. Round 1 — Direction 4 — Looks at the colors. Round 1 — Direction 5 — Enhances the color. Selected Round 2 — Direction 2 "Chopped and Cropped". Selected Round 2 — Direction 4 "Swatch Beats" — Uses. Selected Round 2 — Direction 5 "Elemental" — Simplifies and. Final "Chopped and Cropped" Approved and Launch Direction. Apple Music — Black Music Month + Juneteenth . Digital Brand Campaign 2021. Kendall Henderson Syncing with the Apple Music (design / strategy teams. Positioning Black Music as an expression of Black lifestyle. Initial visual direction exploration plays with: Large expanses as. Our conclusion became an extension of a reference piece. A deduction based kit of parts that allowed the. Overview of both Black Music Month and Juneteenth components.